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We are always looking for new opportunities to expand and to boost the market to fulfill the mission of becoming one of the leading fashion retailers in Vietnam. If you are interested in becoming a wholesale distributor, please let us know via the form found on our website: www.ippgroup.vn / Under the “Contact” Tab.
If you are an International Standards Organization, and interested in developing a membership, please let us know via the form found on our website www.ippgroup.vn / under the “Contact” Tab.
For sponsorship & advertising support please contact MR Edouard Leo - Tel: 0084 1 203 318 445
IPPG chooses the brands they distribute very carefully. Before we integrate a new brand into our portfolio, we perform a very detailed and thorough investigation into the brand and its potential within Vietnam. If you are interested to explore partnership, please contact us through our contact section on the IPPG website www.ippgroup.vn
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